How to Find a Label for Your Music: A Concise Guide
Do you have a high-quality track and are in search of a reputable label?
You know your sound and style well - look for labels that release similar material.
Where to find such a label and where to submit?
You can visit the main commercial platform like Beatport or any other, such as Traxsource, for instance.
Pay close attention to when the label's last release was (some labels may no longer be active).
Match the suitable style and sound with your own when choosing a label.
Type the label's name into any search engine (Yandex, Google, Rambler) and find their official pages.
Make sure to check where the label accepts material and what rules apply. If you don't find any information, you can try contacting them through the available email or social media messages.
How many tracks should you submit, one or more?
It varies for each label. Ideally, send 2-3 tracks if possible; it tends to attract more attention since many labels prefer not to release singles. If you have a standout track (in their opinion), they will be happy to take just one.
How to properly compose the email?
Title the email - "New Demo Track for Your Label."
If you are submitting to a foreign label, write in English only. You can use Deepl Translate (https://www.deepl.com/translator), one of the best online translators.
Start with a greeting - "Hello dear team..."
Ask them to listen to your track(s) - "Please listen to my track. Provide feedback if it suits your taste."
Provide information about yourself (e.g., Main style: Tech House, Resident at nightclub 'Moon,' etc.).
Which version and quality should you send?
If the website doesn't specify this information, you can upload the full version in 320 kbps quality through a private link on SoundCloud (this way, you can see if they've listened to your material or not). Keep the download option closed. Now, be patient; they usually pay attention within the first hour or around a month.
How to choose the right label?
It depends on what you want to achieve with them - promotion, a simple release, money, or something else. Always pay attention to the label's listener base, which you can check on social media based on their activity.
Check if their releases are in the top charts.
Find out if they do promo (ask them).
See if there's a chance to get remixes of your track (ask them). Or other bonuses.
They replied and asked for the track in WAV format. What are your next steps?
First, request a contract and review it if you care about the terms under which you are releasing your track(s).
Provide your information correctly, as stated in the contract.
Some labels pay artists an upfront fee for the release, but not all labels do this. Typically, the fee from sales, as per the contract, is around 50%, and you may not receive it right away. Accumulated fees vary for each contract, but typically, it's around $50-100, and they can send the payment to the account details you provided in the contract (it could be your bank card or any electronic wallet, while foreign labels often use the PayPal system for transfers). Some labels allocate this budget to promote your track; this aspect may also be specified in the contract (please verify the details).
You've signed the contract, what's next?
Now, wait for the official release date. Once the date is set, they will send you the track cover and release dates.
If you don't have the time to search for a label, we can assist you.
We have a large database of labels and can send your track to the entire database in one click. This way, you'll receive numerous offers for your material and save your time.
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